

La giovinezza
Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino

Cinema program "Youth" in Warszawa

Thursday, 13 March
Movie Before 4pm After 4pm
Muranów 13:15 ticket
Movie poster Młodość
Original title: La giovinezza
Runtime: 118 min.
Production: Włochy, Szwajcaria, Wielka Brytania, Francja , 2015
Category: drama
Release Date: 18 September 2015
Distribution: Gutek Film

Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino
Cast: Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel, Rachel Weisz

The latest film by Oscar-winning creator of "The Great Beauty". Paolo Sorrentino presents a dazzling visual, emotional and witty story about visitors a luxury hotel at the foot of the Alps.

An outstanding composer (Michael Caine) is replaced by the Queen of England an unexpected proposal. A beautiful woman (Rachel Weisz) wants to know why her husband abandoned for girls (Paloma Faith) from which all her different. The famous director (Harvey Keitel) looking for the perfect completion for his most important film. The charismatic actor (Paul Dano), known for his role in the blockbuster, wants to find a real life challenge. Miss Universe decides to show everyone why she is the most beautiful woman in the world. United star (Jane Fonda) arrives after many years in the face to tell the man of your life, what you really think of him. A few summer days, during which come to light deepest secrets, and put to the test is the common desire for eternal youth.

Average rate: 3.0
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Movie trailer: Youth

Your comments

mara 28. September 2015, 8:42

Rewelacyjny film. Przepiękny i smutny. Naprawdę warto zobaczyć.

kamiseq 26. September 2015, 17:33

bardzo dobre zdjęcia i gra aktorów tutaj 10/10. ale sam temat i podejście do niego nie poruszyły mnie aż tak bardzo. po prostu dobry film

joza 21. September 2015, 12:07

Przepiękne zdjęcia,spokojna narracja,starość nie tak odległa od młodości jest ok!

j35 18. September 2015, 23:01

Gdyby tabletki na sen nie pomogą, zasiądźcie wygodnie w fotelu kinowym a sen gwarantowany :)

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