Cinema program "Carte Blanche" in Warszawa
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Runtime: 106 min.
Production: Polska , 2014
Category: drama
Release Date: 23 January 2015
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Jacek Lusiński
Cast: Andrzej Chyra, Urszula Grabowska, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Eliza Rycembel
Inspired by true events, the touching story of a high school teacher who - in order to keep the beloved job and prepare students for exams - hiding from the world, it gradually loses wzrok.W starring Andrew Chyra - three-time winner of the Best Actor Festival in Gdynia ("Debt" "The Collector", "In the name of ..."), which is still before the shooting said: "It's a moving, human scenario. Probably the most important in this story is that someone is distressed could turn into something optimistic ". The actor also emphasized that the film can be an important voice in the public discussion.
Casper (Andrew Chyra), beloved by students from a high school history teacher, begins to gradually lose sight. Medical diagnosis leaves no doubt. A man with a genetic disorder, threatens permanent blindness. Initially heartbroken, finally decides to hide from the outside world health problems in order to keep their jobs and bring their students to the exam. The sole trustee of the mystery of the teacher is his best friend Victor (Arkadiusz Jakubik). Casper, struggling with the new situation and new challenges, establish a close friendship with a colleague from work (Urszula Grabowska) and trying to help a rebellious pupil, Clara (Eliza Rycembel), who hides his own secret.
Maciej Bialek, whose life inspired the story of Casper, a history teacher at VIII High School in Lublin. Hiding disease for many years. Despite the loss of vision for the next 15 years he taught at the school. Providing young people with the knowledge that his passion. Former and present students Maciej Proteins consider him to be a very interesting and charismatic person. His classes were always varied, contradicting the idea that the story is sometimes boring. Bialek says that creating a good relationship with the students require the presentation of their interest, respect and treat them seriously. Over the years of its history were interested in all the major media in Poland. Maciej story inspired Jack Lusińskiego proteins to write the script, because I Maciej an inspiration to others. Is an example of that in life we meet a different experience, but it depends on us, who we are and whether we are happy.
"Now I know that enthusiasm, inherent in the entire team from the very beginning, we were able to miraculously, almost magical way to turn into a movie, which I hope you will follow up with bated breath. Because this story is in itself such a potential - the viewer is determined to root for the hero, at every stage of his life. Important it is also true that people who have found themselves in a difficult life situation - it really applies to each of us, or will be affected in the future - will get a good dose of energy that you may have had a positive impact on them. "- Says director Jacek Lusinski. Sam Maciej Bialek, when asked about his interest in film history, responds modestly: "I was astonished at some point I realized that it could be something exciting for others, that for people who are in a difficult time in your life, it can be a point of reference for decision to walczeniu of normality and everyday life. "
The scenario of "Carte blanche", versatile and inspiring story about the power of the human spirit and determination in the fight against adversity, this prestigious competition finalist Script Pro 2012. In an ensemble cast - alongside Andrew Chyra, Arkadiusz Jakubik and Urszula Grabowska - Dorota Kolak, Wojciech Pszoniak, capable actors of the young generation - Eliza Rycembel, Thomas Ziętek - and high school students in Lublin.

Movie trailer: Carte Blanche
Your comments
Bardzo dobry film, Chyra gra przekonywująco i ciekawie. Rys psychologiczny bardzo jasno nakreślony, wciągający. Polecam.
106 min. dobrego polskiego kina !!
Film niezły ale jednak ma braki. Amerykańska wersja bylaby perfekcyjna. Po pierwsze zbyt mało przedstawiono relację nauczyciel - uczeń. I tak napradę nie wiadomo, dlaczego uczniowie chcę tego nauczyciela za wychowawcę. Zdecydowanie więcej powinno być scen ze szkoły przed tym wydarzeniem. Upadek psychiczny wyraźnie zarysowany, ale scecna z powieszeniem była zbyt szybka. No i domena polskich filmów, te odgłosy kroków, skrzypiących klamek itp... Jednakże, pomimo pewnych niedociągnięć film jest bardzo dobry. Bije o lata świetlne beznamiętnego twora i gniota nad gniotami IDĘ. Polecam.
Polecam b.dobry film,chwyta za gardło.
Historia piękna i ciekawa ale niepotrzebne epatowanie brzydotą.
Dawno nie widziałem tak dobrego polskiego filmu
Bardzo dobry film. Polecam !!!
ja wybieram się na ten film po raz drugi gdyż jest warty tego, genialny Chyra !! POLECAM
Swietny film warto obejrzeć!
Bardzo ciekawy film. Dobrze opowiedziana historia i świetna gra A. Chyra. Polecam !!!
Bardzo dobry film, świetna gra A.Chyry. Moim zdaniem bardzo dobrze opowiedziana historia nauczyciela, który traci wzrok i którego pasją jest nauczania młodzieży. Warto zobaczyć !
Piękna historia, ciekawie opowiedziana, wzruszająca! warto ja zobaczyć:)
Sama historia wspaniała, natomiast sam film letni czegoś w nim brakuje.
Warty obejrzenia!!!