Cinema program "I Can Only Imagine" in Warszawa
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"I Can Only Imagine"
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Runtime: 110 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: biography / drama / family / music
Release Date: 5 October 2018
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Andrew Erwin, Jon Erwin
Cast: Dennis Quaid, J. Michael Finley, Brody Rose
A true story of the creation of the greatest religious hit in the history of American music. Composed by Bart Millard and the band MercyMe song "I Can Only Imagine" from the place conquered the charts and hearts of listeners, earning in the US the status of a double Platinum CD and becoming the most-played Christian radio song in history. "Touch the Sky" is a moving story about faith, love, the power of music and song, whose spiritual message has contributed to hundreds of thousands of conversions. The film "Touch the Heaven" earned over $ 85 million worldwide, becoming the fourth most profitable music biography ever made. Behind the camera "Touch the sky" stood the brothers Andrew and Jon Erwin ("Every life is a miracle"). The main roles included: Broadway's Broadway debut actor - J. Michael Finley and Madeline Carroll ("The Girl and Boy - All on a Wreath"), nominated for the Golden Globe - Dennis Quaid ("Far from Heaven"), Oscar-winning Cloris Leachman ("The Last Film Screening"), as well as an actor and music producer - Trace Adkins ("The Element. Deepwater Horizon").
Bart Millard is raised without a mother. Conflicted with a despotic father, he seeks consolation in prayer, music and the world of imagination. Years later, as a teenager, Bart decides to take up sport, believing that in this way he will rebuild his relationship with his parent. Unfortunately, a severe injury rules out the dreams of a football career and the boy is forced to change his plans. One of the teachers who sees Millard's undiscovered musical talent comes to his aid. Encouraged by his girlfriend - Shannon, Bart decides to join the local band, becoming their singer. The group adopts the name MercyMe and embarks on a tour of America. Unfortunately, the first concerts do not portend anything big. Both viewers and critics are skeptical about the band. Everything changes after one of the performances ... Bart, who has just learned about his father's illness and is seriously considering leaving the band, sits alone with the guitar and starts composing. Remembering everything that happened to him in life, he poured feelings and words on paper. The legend "I Can Only Imagine" emerges from old emotions and unfulfilled hopes.

Movie trailer: I Can Only Imagine
Your comments
Nie mam swojej opinii o tym filmie. I nie będę jej miał. Po prostu nie ma tego filmu nigdzie. Szkoda, że tylko po dwie, trzy osoby chodzą na takie filmy. Jak on zarobił te dwadzieścia parę milionów ? Nie w Polsce. Tu ludzie wolą oglądać w kinie co innego. Szkoda. Bo I can only imagine jest cudowne. Szkoda, że nie obejrzę filmu na podstawie tej piosenki. A może ktoś wie gdzie to jednak jest możliwe?
Całkowicie się zgadzam z powyższą opinią; może być "kopiuj" ; "wklej", z wyjątkiem, że łącznie ze mną były 3 osoby
Przecudowny , wzruszający film - moje zdziwienie nie ma granic ( na filmie było łącznie ze mną d w o j e widzów???????Kochani pędźcie do kina póki grają ten film w Krakowie. Półtorej godziny wzruszeń- polecam gorąco.